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为患有或面临 2 型糖尿病、心脏病和/或中风风险的成年人制作的 YouTube 系列视频 。

想了解如何预防或控制2型糖尿病、心脏病发作或中风; 让自己总体上更健康?

请注册免费观看由 6 部分组成的 YouTube 系列视频,内容包括:

A YouTube Series for adults who are living with or at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and/or stroke.

Would you like to learn how to prevent or manage type 2 diabetes, heart attack or stroke; and overall be a healthier you?

Register for the FREE 6-part YouTube series which covers:


Understanding your health



Healthy eating 



Physical activity 



Alcohol recommendations and weight management


Emotional and physical health (including quitting smoking)


Setting an action plan


You can learn at your own pace when it’s convenient for you.


本讲座是一个6集的YouTube系列,包括一本活动手册和若干资料简介,以便在讲座期间为您提供支持。本讲座提供实用信息,令您身体更加健康。本次视频系列是用普通话。 请输入您的详细信息进行注册。 请填写注册表:

The program is a 6 part YouTube series that includes an activity booklet and factsheets to support you during the program. It offers practical information to help you live a healthier life. This video series will be delivered in Mandarin. Please complete the registration form.

Register now



Register for this online health program for the Register for Mandarin Online health program. You will receive an email with the video links and further information.

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